Video Information


  • Member: Ashyukun
  • Studio: Electric Leech Productions
  • Title: A.S.L.G.B.V.
  • Premiered: 2004-10-29
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Overseer Velocity Shift
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: First off, "A.S.L.G.B.V." stands for "A Short Little Gunbuster Video". I initially was considering trying to think up some creative name involving ballistic lasers (playing off the non-ballistic ones in the show/video), but eventually I just gave up. I like to think I'm somewhat better at editing videos than naming them. :P

    This video was done in a hurry, I'll admit. I got back from AWA and found that Vic had decided to extend the deadline for AUSA entries by a week. After all the excitement that was AWA, I was fired up and ready to edit something, and decided that I'd try and get a second entry done for the contest (BGC:SoF being the original one). I was also itching to make something with the Gunbuster box set that I'd picked up from YesAsia (licensed R3 discs at a good price. Gotta love it.) a short while before AWA. That set a timeframe I had to work within and my video source. I had been planning on making a Guu video (given I also have the R3 Guu box set) to Overseer's 'Velocity Shift', but was bogged down on making it due to really needing to watch through the whole series again- and already having more than I could watch on my plate. So I decided to drop that idea and use the song for my Gunbuster video.

    My original intent was to just use the song straight and un-edited... unfortunately, as I worked on the video, I just kept cutting it down more and more. :P It's already a short song- like two and a half minutes- but I cut it down to less than 2 minutes. There were just parts that I could not do anything with or find the right scenes for (working with a 6-episode OAV series, 1 episode of which you're not using at all, has its ups and downs), so I just ended up trimming the song down. Hopefully the cuts were not too evident... I'd like to think I've gotten decently good at cutting audio in Premiere.

    ASLGBV was edited over the course of a weekend- unfortunately the subsequent clean-up of the footage took the rest of the week. There is supposed to be a completely remastered version of Gunbuster released in Japan- I wish I had it instead of the original release. Gainax has a history of their shows having crappy transfers- and Gunbuster was no exception. Cleaning the footage up and getting rid of the bad interlacing and telecine (or at least doing my best to) was a large pain in the ass. But, as usual, it was worth it I'd say. I kind of miss the days when I could just edit something and then go, "Voila! Done!" without being able to see all the noise and video problems that I notice immediately these days.

    I just couldn't resist having a bit more fun with the audio and throwing in the one line from the show itself. I firmly believe that particular attack/line is one of the best lines in all of anime. The first time we showed Gunbuster at my old anime club (at an engineering school...) almost everyone almost fell out of their chairs because of it. There is probably no better representation of Anime Physics than the concept of a Homing Laser.

    Best Action at Anime USA 2004

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