Video Information


  • Member: jade_eyed_angel
  • Studio: Soul Anime Studios
  • Title: An Born Romance! - (InuYasha/Chobits)
  • Premiered: 2004-11-20
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Soluna So In Love
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: ~~~~ Second Place in Battle Royale!~~~ Battle Royale site

    Wow.. I've been workin on this for a while... i dunno how long, but i was lookin for the song for this vid when i realized that 'bring it to me' went to kono mini... so i took a break to make that vid.. but anyway...

    i considered puttin this in the comedy category just cause the idea of this vid is downright hilarious.. but i deicded not to since it's a romance vid, afta all lol

    hmn well i think i'll get a way high originality score for it, if nuttin else (i hope...?) Original song, original use of these two non-original anime... lol ok ppl if u dun like the idea of this vid, please dun flame me... i just had to try it.. well if u cant guess wat it'll be abour from the title, i'd rather u all just guess from actually watching it.. heh heh.. well this vid wuldnt have been possible without the effects of vegas 5, i'll say that much.. so thanks natutobattousai for it!!! again =P

    honestly, i have no clue at ALL where this idea came from... i wasnt originally plannin to use these specific characters either, but they look similar lol... anyway im suprised this actually worked.. but it did.. n i've been actually puttin this thing together since last Thursday n i dun usually spend more than a few days puttin the actual footage together... man im so dead now.. lol... um wat else?

    well, there's some lip sync.. i doubt i kulda done it without lip sync... almost all of it is done by chii except in one part it's by yasha .. the (i think first) "you're so incredible" which looks like lip sync by yasha IS NOT LIP SYNC! I wasnt plannin on havin yasha do lip sync at that point, i just added some later since chii lip sync got boring =P except for a few parts, i'm relle pleased wit the lip sync... damn.. matchin syllables to mouth movements is hard! -_-;;;

    oh yes n im sori for creating those 2-3 (dun member exactly) "sex" scenes.. haha.. well i was runnin outa normal footage by then LOL...

    n... for i think one part i used a scene of Freya instead of Chii but that's only because this vid cannot possibly exist so i just needed all the scenes i culd get.. i played around wit some scenes of kagome, too... one looks scary... well it looks scary until i changed it now it looks better lol.. itrs relle too bad, around half-way thru this vid i realized it wuld be perfect for a hideki/chii vid n i wuldnt have to create the scenes myself but o well =P

    the blinkin near the front to match the music - there's only a lot of it near the begginin wit the song, then it mostly evens out.. too many fade effects for a lot of blinking. but this vid has my best beat sync so far... anyway sori this is gettin way too long n i doubt anyone will actually read it.. unless of course someone watches the vid w/out readin n than reads this in search of some sort of explanation lol. well i like it.. like i said, its deff original! wheeee! i hope u ppl like it!


    i really want ops for this vid.. i mean everyone shuld get this vid just to see how i culd possibly make a vid like this... or, if u for some reason didnt figure out wat kinda vid this is yet, wat kind of vid it is! lol...

    oh yes n please tell me if the logo is annoying! i'we always wanted to put some sort of ID thing on mai vids, n i culdnt in movie maker.. or didnt no how.. but now i thot i'd try it =P



Opinions (25)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.89
  • 9.16
  • 9.63
  • 9.00
  • 8.58
  • 8.74
  • 9.42
  • 8.21
  • 8.95
