Video Information


  • Member: AnimeMaster
  • Studio: Masters' of Anime Productions
  • Title: Truth be Told
  • Premiered: 2002-02-10
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Rob Zombie Demonoid Phenomenon
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: ::::SPOILERS::::

    This is my third video available for download, and it's a video from the ending of Berserk.
    First off, don't see the movie unless you've seen ALL of Berserk. Not a few clips here or there, but the entire series, because my movie is from the ending, and why spoil somethng so amazing by seeing the ending.

    I have my movie being called "Truth be Told". Throughout just about the entire series, there appears to be such a strong connection, a bond will you, between Griffith and Gatsu, allowing them to do the most amazing things, that no on else could.

    At the end, all is changed when Griffith is shown is real dream deep down from inside of him, and changes all. As we all know, from the people who have seen the series, know that Griffith did not want to be friends with anyone really, he just uses them to get to his ultimate goal, his own kingdom.

    I made this movie with just that in mind, and kept certain aspects of the movie repetative like the castle in the sky, as a reminder to us about his real dream.

    Interestingly enough, it does follow chronical order, so it really does ruin the end if you haven't seen it. It takes parts from the last four episodes, which I condier the ending anyways.

    I did not use many special affects, as you'll be able to tell, but there are enough to give it a nice look, more than without them, for the people who only like to see movies cause they're fun, and not for there true deeper, more philosophical meaning. But the clips to the beat of the music gives it a nice touch, and I thought I picked out good music for the occasion.

    The movie is made up of 87 clips, from a total of 132 which I had made to make this movie possible. That was hard.
    The song I used was Demonoid Phenomenon by Rob Zombie.
    The total time for this movie has been three weeks.
    Events in making the movie involved me importing my video from my dvd's, to converting them, which takes hrs, to selecting my scenes to editing in iMovie.
    I am very proud of the movie, and ask people to really look into the deeper meaning of the movie, for what the Aniime stands for, not just the pure action (which is ok, too).

    This movie is not for people who are affended by nudity, there is very brief in my movie, EXTREME amounts of blood and killing, and adult situations.

    Well, I think I've talked a lot, and just hope everyone enjoys is. Thanks for taking the time to read, and enjoy.


    Opinions are welcome! Thanks

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