Video Information


  • Member: Angeteen
  • Title: VHD
  • Premiered: 2005-03-07
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Evanesance Wake Me Up Inside
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video tends to have the same theme as my second, that is, it's about the creatures that tends to live within people's hearts. This is more or less straight forward, even to those who have never watched the anime a day in their lives. The idea of the video is that there is this guy, he has a dark side, and it wants *out!*

    After breaking free, the guy's orignal self is then pushed into submission, and is then holed up like his darkside was. Years pass, his evil self ends up taking dominion over a bunch of monsters, takes over the castle they live in, and becomes a sort of king. As for the original, in the time that has passed, he has been trying to fight back, but his evil half keeps pushing him back into the shadows. The only good news in this is that, perhaps becase of the lapse of time, each time the evil half restrains his good side, it seems to take a physcial toll on him. The AMV ends with his evil half looking at a portait on the wall, that was taken while he was still young. The portait resembles his better half only to well, and the viewer gets a sense that the orignal's darkside looks upon this painting with both fear and dread, perhaps realizing that one day his better half will break free and regain control of his own body.

    This is a good AMV, it relies a lot on light and darkness, two elements that are nearly universal. Light representing purity and innocence of spirit, while darkness features evilness and couptness. For example, when D first enters the castle, he's surrounded by darkness, sumbolizing the start of his evil half's emergence. There are many other ways that light and darkness are used within this video, so see if you can spot any others.

Opinions (1)
