Video Information


  • Member: -Baron-
  • Title: Hollow Hero
  • Premiered: 2005-07-01
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Breaking Benjamin So Cold
  • Anime:
  • Comments: My first AMV! Huzzah! *Throws a bit of confetti.* XD
    This was actually kind of an accident--I wanted to kind of get a feel for Windows Movie Maker to see how making an AMV went, etc. and the only anime I had on my computer was .Hack//Sign. So I was pretty much just randomly cutting clips and such and decided that I should have some music as well so I could practice timing clips. I picked a random song of my playlist and ta dah! It was actually a pretty good match for the show so I decided to go ahead and make a full AMV.
    . *Shrugs.*
    Okay, bad story. XD Anyway, I worked pretty hard to match up clips to the beat/lyrics of the song and I hope it shows. Enjoy! (Or at least pretend to. ^___^;;)

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