Video Information


  • Member: lilgumba
  • Title: The Wanderer (Pt 1)
  • Premiered: 2005-11-02
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Evanescence Where Will You Go
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Updates: As you know this video used one of the artists that was pulled from the Org. It was one of my better videos to date. Recently it got 2nd place in X_rex30's Overused Musical Artist contest. If you have any questions about the video PM me and I'll answer.

    This video was one I wanted to do for awhile now. Ever since I made The Big Test people have been asking for a longer version of it. When I found out that there was a second season of Big O coming out and I found out Evanescence had a different version of this instrumental out on their Origin cd I wanted to make this.

    SSJ announced a few months back that he was doing a character profile contest. I knew that I was interested in submitting this video to the contest because this would be another profile video that not many people have done or even used the music. However, I could not use special effects. So this video would not be exactly how I envisioned it but I still thought it would be good enough.

    I decided to use this for the contest but in the process of editing I ran into 2 conferences that I had to go to for work. This forced me to switch up the video and end it shorter than I wanted to. What you see here is the short version of the video.

    I call this part 1 because I will make this video again but it will be different from this one as well as extended. I do intend to add special effects for the part 2 as well. Treat this as a tease of what will come in the future.

    I wasn't going to put this one up on the org since I will make some changes to this and come out with part 2 but it got a tied runner up in the contest so I thought I'll let people see the video.

    If you have any questions or comments on this video PM me.

Opinions (1)
