Video Information


  • Member: Kitsuner
  • Studio: Icon Tsiyur Videos
  • Title: Kate
  • Premiered: 2005-12-03
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Marilyn Sokol I Want A Monster To Be My Friend
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Alternate Title: Sesame Street's Red Light District



    This was sort of a spur of the moment video for me. I mean, I'd been planning a hentai video of some kind for a while because of the CBR contest, but the main idea I'd had fell through due to lack of source. Fortunately, Fall_Child42 had given me a large pile of odd songs, including this one, after one of #amv's Iron Chef events. I actually cut out the beginning section of the song, even though Fall wanted it in there, because I didn't think it flowed very well, and I didn't have the sources on hand anyway. It took me a while to actually get anything started on this project, I couldn't decide which scene to begin with.

    So, a few days before the contest deadline, I sat down, listened to the song a few times, and just edited as the ideas came to me, though some lines I'd already come up with ideas for, like the "I just can't wait until then" scene. After about two days of work on it, I managed to finish it on the day of the deadline. A few days later, I was happily surprised with the news that it had just barely pulled ahead of a three-way tie after two rounds of judging.

Opinions (2)
