Zarx264gui 1.3

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Re: Zarx264gui 1.3

Post by Zarxrax » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:39 pm

BasharOfTheAges wrote:How much more RAM should it be using? I'm running Win7(pro)x64 using the 64 bit version of x264 and my entire system (including having firefox, Pidgin, etc. up) isn't breaking 2.5GB useage. I'm encoding a 15GB uncompressed 720p video too, so it's not like the file in question is tiny.
I'm not sure how much ram it should be using. Sounds like your ram usage might be on the low end, but I suppose x264 is using what it needs.
Bakadeshi wrote:a problem I found on my sister's windows 7 PC (was helping her encode her video to upload), Directshowsource seems to cause x264gui to stop responding (IE if I add the file as an avi and let your program create the avs files, it just hangs. if I try again to open the avs file it creates, it still hangs. When I edit it and change to avisource, it works fine. Directshowsource seems to hang in virtualdub also, so it could be some problem with the version plugin i have and windows 7. Shouldn't opening an AVI in your program default to AVIsource instead of Directshowsource?
Sorry, I must have missed this post before. I am aware that a few people have been having this issue, though I have no idea what might be causing it (I am on windows 7 x64 myself, and have never ran into this problem). My gui used to use AVISource for AVI files, but I changed this behavior in order to provide compatability with DV-AVIs output from Windows Movie Maker (they don't typically work with AVIsource). Because the people using WMM (believe me, there are a LOT of them) are probably the people least likely to know how to create their own AVS script, I designed it to work in their favor.

Also, because I'm not completely satisfied with the way ffms2 handles the DV AVIs, I'm not using x264's new direct file loading features yet, until I work out a solution that I am satisfied with.

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Re: Zarx264gui 1.3

Post by SailorDeath » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:35 am

Noticed a small problem when encoding a videot hat had about 1 second of black at the beginning. For whatever reason it puts the audio out of sync by however many seconds of black I have at the beginning. When creating the video I have an avi created that runs for about 2 seconds that is just a black screen. I also use a wav file that is just silence as well (mostly due to the fact that premiere doesn't like having empty video/audio before the amv starts) Anyway I can fix it by just clipping the 1 second of black/silence out of the video before exporting from premiere but I figured you'd like to know just in case.
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Re: Zarx264gui 1.3

Post by Zarxrax » Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:10 am

SailorDeath wrote:Noticed a small problem when encoding a videot hat had about 1 second of black at the beginning. For whatever reason it puts the audio out of sync by however many seconds of black I have at the beginning. When creating the video I have an avi created that runs for about 2 seconds that is just a black screen. I also use a wav file that is just silence as well (mostly due to the fact that premiere doesn't like having empty video/audio before the amv starts) Anyway I can fix it by just clipping the 1 second of black/silence out of the video before exporting from premiere but I figured you'd like to know just in case.
My best guess is that you are using lagarith and have the "enable null frames" option checked. Using AVISource in your avs script might fix it.

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Re: Zarx264gui 1.3

Post by SailorDeath » Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:49 pm

Thanks that did the trick
Gimme a minute, I'll make a cool one....


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