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Post by SarahtheBoring » Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:02 pm

It's probably a chicken-and-the-egg bit. Are there any editors who only submit to cons and don't use the org at all, but are well-known anyway? Are there any editors who only use the org, never submit to cons, but are well-known anyway? [note: for the quality of their videos, and not just "oh yeah, they made a few good ones". I mean hardcore, everyone on earth knows who they are, that kind of thing.]

I don't know if there are, but that might be useful in trying to plan one's takeover of the world through the awesome power of their AMVs. :roll:

My suspicion is that a combination of the two is probably most effective.

And then, what are you (general you) out for? Winning at cons? Winning more than once, or just once? Winning VCAs? More than once? Internet fame? Free swag? Harem girls? The adulation of your peers? Injecting meaning into your wasted young life? You're going to need specific goals or you're going to end up frustrated no matter what.

As for me, I like to entertain myself. But if you want to treat making videos like a job or a holy calling, you need to set goals and be specific. It's not like you're doing this for fun, are you? :roll:

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Post by LightningCountX » Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:44 pm

Garylisk wrote:
MomochiZabuza wrote: i could be 10 times better a creator that Koop and still not win, im not known! competing against these people is useless!
Did Koop even do anything noteworthy this year? Apart from Rei-Mix and Euphoria, I haven't heard much in the way of people raving about his stuff.
Even iff he did or not, i still dont like his videos...

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Post by SnhKnives » Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:53 pm

LightningCountX wrote:
Garylisk wrote:
MomochiZabuza wrote: i could be 10 times better a creator that Koop and still not win, im not known! competing against these people is useless!
Did Koop even do anything noteworthy this year? Apart from Rei-Mix and Euphoria, I haven't heard much in the way of people raving about his stuff.
Even iff he did or not, i still dont like his videos...

ok, thank you for your important comment :lol:

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Post by Scintilla » Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:38 am

Arigatomina wrote:Which conventions in particular?
Well, if it's reaching the widest possible audience that you're most concerned about, you'd probably be best off going with one of the bigger cons like Anime Expo or Otakon.

OR SO YOU'D THINK. Because generally speaking, the bigger the con, the more submissions it'll receive, the fewer of them (proportionally) actually make it into the contest. (Obvious exception: AWA.)

So you might want to consider starting off small if you're not sure your videos can handle the competition at the bigger cons. Or not. Your call.
Arigatomina wrote:And is this a way to get known, or a way to get *better* known?
Well, just as an example, as far as I know, no one knew who *I* was until Otakon and AWA 2003.
DV:UI didn't really get popular until after it showed at Katsucon (and then again at Anime Boston).

However, I may not be the best example in the world, because I only put out about 3 new videos a year, as opposed to someone like yourself. :)

Obviously one shouldn't underestimate the power of word of mouth and P2P networks, but as far as I've seen, cons are one of the surest ways of making sure your video gets seen by large numbers of people.

But it's a good question, a distinction I'd not really considered much.
Arigatomina wrote:I've never submittted to a convention*, so I'm skeptical as to how that is supposed to make a person well known. The few times I've seen a 'lesser known' editor winning at a convention, he's still as 'lesser known' afterward as he was before he sent his vid in. His hits, stars, reviews don't change a bit.
Hm, really? That's quite an interesting observation... you'd think people would remember the video if it was good enough to win. I admit I don't exactly have the broadest base of experience to go by...
Arigatomina wrote:To me, it seems videos that are good enough (generally liked by all) to be loved on the org will win at conventions as well. So the popularity does increase after the convention, but it was already there before they submitted it. All the convention did was get a few extra people stopping by (to download a copy), and bragging rights for the creator.
There are videos, though, that are really good and simply never get popular for whatever reason (like, if the creator doesn't really promote them), aren't there?

I suppose I should also mention the people that, for whatever reason, don't really watch that many AMVs outside of convention contests, e.g. myself, DWChang (he has mentioned it before), etc.
Unless it happens to have a song/anime match I find interesting and I stumble upon it, or someone politely shoves it in my face until I download it, or it gets a LOT of good press on the forums, I'm not likely to download any given video.

As a result, I'm probably missing a lot of really good videos like <a href=" ... 5635">this one</a>, which was shoved in my face over AOLIM just last week. I never would have found it otherwise.
SarahtheBoring wrote:It's probably a chicken-and-the-egg bit. Are there any editors who only submit to cons and don't use the org at all, but are well-known anyway?
I'm still wondering who that Michael Zubrzycki guy is...
And I believe Tom the Fish doesn't make most of his videos available for download.
SarahtheBoring wrote:Are there any editors who only use the org, never submit to cons, but are well-known anyway? [note: for the quality of their videos, and not just "oh yeah, they made a few good ones". I mean hardcore, everyone on earth knows who they are, that kind of thing.]
Well, I suppose the question is, by "on earth" do you mean among the Org populace, or a more general audience?
SarahtheBoring wrote:I don't know if there are, but that might be useful in trying to plan one's takeover of the world through the awesome power of their AMVs. :roll:
I love you too, Sarah :wink:
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Post by Arigatomina » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:19 am

Scintilla I've seen, cons are one of the surest ways of making sure your video gets seen by large numbers of people.
I'd definitely agree with that. My only question is, how great does a video have to be for the creator to get popular from one video? Euphoria may have been enough to give Koop a name in one quick blow, but since most people knew him before that, we can't say for sure. And we can't say if he'd become 'known' from the con popularity, or from the org popularity. A single video, even if you submit it to every convention, doesn't seem enough to make a creator popular (well known) on the org.

That's what I took this thread to be mostly - how to become 'known' on the org, as it comes to the vcas. I'm really doubtful about the importance cons have on 'org' fame.

I *do* know about the sect of con-goers we have here, of course. ^.~ Dw is very adamant about how the only place to find good vids are at amv conventions. I just don't know what percentage the con-goers make up out of the org collective. If they make up a good half the amv-watchers on this site (even though they don't actually watch vids on this site, just vids at cons), then I'd agree - submit it to a convention because they won't watch it otherwise.

I'm still operating under the assumption that since I don't go to cons, and almost none of my regular reviewers go to cons, then a good portion of the org collective don't go to cons. Without doing a poll, I can't tell how many of the members are con-viewers, and how many are amv-dot-org viewers.

Hopefully with the VCA's it'll be the org viewers doing the majority of the voting. I like to think of this contest as the org's con - that overly optimisic idea that people will download the top 5 vids and watch them before casting their vote. Even the con viewers should do this, since they're used to watching all the vids before finding out the 'greats'.

So yeah, I was trying to see how important con-submission is when a person wants to become well-known on the org. I just can't stand the idea that an org member has to be seen at some convention in order for other org members to know who he is. I've always put emphasis on word of mouth for fandom purposes, so I can't imagine only going outside the org to find the best vids *on* the org. It just doesn't make sense to me. ^_^;

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Post by Beowulf » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:25 am

Very easy ways to get people to know about your videos:

1. Exchange links with websites that get a lot of traffic.

2. Make AWESOME videos

3. Kiss everyones ass on the org forums (this will only get you so far however)

4. Make freinds with big wigs at conventions

5. Use Naruto with Nu-Metal (this won't be as effective in the long run)

6. Help out newbies on the forums. You will become a champion of the little man = untouchable

7. Piss everyone off on the forums. Requiett does this and he's all over the VCAs.

8. Find a niche genre and CAPITALIZE. See MexicanJunior with porn. If your the KING of whatever unknown bullshit genre, your still KING and KING = popularity

ok ok I kid but 1 and 2 are still solid choices :up:

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Post by dwchang » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:30 am

Arigatomina wrote:Dw is very adamant about how the only place to find good vids are at amv conventions.
Yeah the only place I *ever* find *good* videos is there :roll:

I've stated that I rarely watch AMVs since I'm well...editing and that *the majority* I see at conventions. Majority and only are not the same thing. I've found plenty of gems by watching announcement threads, having friends recommend things (namely Corran, Savia and Atomx) and even watching the nominees within our own Viewer's Choice Contest.

For example, silver_moon doesn't submit to conventions, but her videos are hands down some of my favorites from last year. I wonder how I magically found those since they were never submitted :-? Funny how that works...

I'm glad you know so much about my tastes and viewing habits to make such an absolute statement. :roll:
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Post by Castor Troy » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:31 am

Put megaman and mario sprites and you have my attention. :roll:
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Post by Arigatomina » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:34 am

Beowulf wrote:Very easy ways to get people to know about your videos:

6. Help out newbies on the forums. You will become a champion of the little man = untouchable
Hey, I did this my first year here. It's fun! 0_0 You get this sense of pride at being able to help someone, plus you make all kinds of friends. The only trouble is keeping in touch with them after they leave the newbie stage and decide they're too good to associate with you anymore. :cry:
8. Find a niche genre and CAPITALIZE. See MexicanJunior with porn. If your the KING of whatever unknown bullshit genre, your still KING and KING = popularity
Another great tip. I aim to be the KING of shonen ai vids. :lol:
ok ok I kid but 1 and 2 are still solid choices :up:
I don't know, 6 and 8 seem pretty sensible to me. :wink:

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Post by Castor Troy » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:37 am

dwchang wrote:
Arigatomina wrote:Dw is very adamant about how the only place to find good vids are at amv conventions.
Yeah the only place I *ever* find *good* videos is there :roll:
Especially my kickass Gotenks Dot DBZ amv at Ushicon. 8-)
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