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Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:21 pm
by Anamorphic Productions
Can I be amused that Delirium is still in the running, and is the only Single-Editor video left? I mean, I'm technically going up against the skill of 9+ editors per video... And that's REALLY intimidating in one sense, and increadibly amusing in the other. ^____^

Since I don't like voting for myself, I'm going to re-watch all the rest and figure out what I'd vote for if I wasn't me. ^^ :lol:

Thank you EVERYONE who's voting for me. I'm just flabbergasted. Really. :oops:

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:29 pm
by angelx03
I will bow down to you if you win Best Dance. Seriously, that will be one hell of a feat! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:29 am
by hanyou21
I would say you can take the Animix parts, especially since many votes will be going to the completed project and ppl might not like to vote for it 2x, like me. Reflections of Style may be difficult to overcome, but I think your toughest competition will be Children Project - even I voted for it, sorry. :(

Vote for Animix Complete Project for Best Multi-Editor Project, ppl! 1 hour worth of AMV-goodness!!! C'mon!!! :P

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:33 pm
by Garylisk
Anamorphic Productions wrote:Can I be amused that Delirium is still in the running, and is the only Single-Editor video left? I mean, I'm technically going up against the skill of 9+ editors per video... And that's REALLY intimidating in one sense, and increadibly amusing in the other. ^____^

Since I don't like voting for myself, I'm going to re-watch all the rest and figure out what I'd vote for if I wasn't me. ^^ :lol:

Thank you EVERYONE who's voting for me. I'm just flabbergasted. Really. :oops:
Ya got my vote. Delerium ROCKS!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:45 pm
by JCD
I'm really dissapointed of the finalists in the dance category. Only one single editor video? Come on >_<
But this really shows that most of the audience doesn't download nominated videos and only vote for what they have already. That way the most popular videos get in the finals.

While all the multi-creator projects are great, I feel sad that they're pushing away so many great single videos like Phantasmagoria and Oh! My Destiny. We have a multi-creator project category for the rest.

Sorry for letting this out, but I totally disliked Delirium, too. I'm not an enemy of constant flashing, but it totally doesn't fit in this video based on the scenes which were chosen (esp. towards the end). Dance is about high motion and nodding your head to the beats, this is where this video fails imho.
Don't take it personally, Anamorphic, I still love your Arjuna video :D

And sorry for my rant -_-
/me votes for RoS

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:37 pm
by dokool
JCD wrote:Sorry for letting this out, but I totally disliked Delirium, too. I'm not an enemy of constant flashing, but it totally doesn't fit in this video based on the scenes which were chosen (esp. towards the end). Dance is about high motion and nodding your head to the beats, this is where this video fails imho.
Don't take it personally, Anamorphic, I still love your Arjuna video :D
x2. Sadly, I totally understand why people have voted for it this far. I think the other vids in the category are certainly much stronger and technically/aesthetically/conceptually advanced.

My vote? Despite the fact that TCP somehow made it to the final round, I'm deciding between Animix 4 and 5. At this point it may come down to a coin flip...


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:12 pm
by WilLoW :--)
I second JCD and DoKool Here.
I'm really disappointed that the multi Editor projects took so many chances away for other videos. I was hoping that the fact that animix had 2 nominations would reduce the votes they both get :?

Also I'm a Dance Vids fan, and I don't really like the only "single creator" vid that is nominated.
I know we're not supposed to criticize here, and I'm happy for you, Anamorphic, that you've been nominated, but I feel it hard for other creators who've definitely tried to put Dance vids to a higher level, in terms of music, creativity, effects, and "art". Delirium is a vid I would've appreciated 4 years ago when I started watching AMV, but not today.

Some vids in this category really tried to bring something new, yet the voters have chosen the classical "various Anime + Dance music" vids.
While creators try to evolve, apparently the viewers don't :?

Damn, should I vote blank ? Hell, probably ROS, because it's the one that's got the less creators involved :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:45 pm
by hanyou21
Regardless of who wins this year, I really think that we should limit the number of multi-editor projects that get into the finals to, say for example, 2. That may have allowed Phantasmagoria or Oh My Destiny, or other fine vids that a single person undertook to get into the running, and not be edged out by larger groups of ppl with more time and resources.

That would mean we'd have to expand the best multi-editor category a bit, but the details could be hammered out later.

C'mon dokool, vote for TCP - while I love Animix to death, there are a couple of sections that look like they got newbed. On the contrary, RoS and TCP both look good throughout their entire length, and in my opinion only TCP keeps you pumped throughout.

Dang, think I typed enough here? 8-)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:56 pm
by silver_moon
I wanted JCD's "Strike On" and xRinoa's "Oh My Destiny" to get to the finals. :cry:

And if VicBond had just put his DDR4 track up for download, it probably would've won, because his track was just awesome.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:19 pm
by dokool
hanyou21 wrote:C'mon dokool, vote for TCP - while I love Animix to death, there are a couple of sections that look like they got newbed. On the contrary, RoS and TCP both look good throughout their entire length, and in my opinion only TCP keeps you pumped throughout.
But see, I appriciate Animix for different reasons. Unlike all the other previous MEPs, which had a very high standard in terms of editor participation, Animix allowed anyone to participate, and even though a few big names participated in Animix for the most part there were more international and 'unknown' editors. I think that's part of it's charm. There were a lot of names I didn't know that did some excellent segments.

I mean, here's my rationale: TCP focuses on a theme (childhood/youth in anime), RoS focuses on a concept (allowing each editor to display their personal style). Delerium focuses on its ability to wow the audience by giving them seizures and forcing them to assume that whatever they just watched was probably a great video. Animix 4 and 5 truely embody the concept of a dance vid - they're both technically good <i>and</i> fun. The quality of the segments in Animix also improved steadily over the course of the entire project, and reached its zenith in 4 and 5. That's why my vote will go to Animix.