MAGIX Video deluxe 2015 23.976fps export problem

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MAGIX Video deluxe 2015 23.976fps export problem

Post by Narutofreak1412 » Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:29 pm

first of all - sorry for my bad and simple english. It's not my native language, but I will try my best to describe the problem precisely.

I want to make long canon movies of anime, that usually have a lot of flashback fillers or filler with mixed canon like Naruto or Bleach.
I also wanted to add own music for some parts and make my own opening music videos and ending videos.
After I did all the editing I wanted to export it as .mp4, but the outcome is always 5 minutes to shot and heavily asynchronous.

The source material are 720p episodes with 23.976fps.
The movie settings are set to 720p and 23.98 fps (because Magix doesn't support more than 2 numbers after the dot, but regardless the outsome usually should be 23.976fps I think)
I don't use many effects or filters, just audio/video-fading, and custom music at some parts.
In the preview window the whole video works perfectly and is synchronous. The lengh is 1:37:40.01.
The export settings are set on custom - 720p 23.98fps mp4.

Even the time of the movie, that gets displayed live while export encoding, runs all the way till the end (1:37:40).

But after the export, when i want to play the mp4-file with vlc, mpc or kmv I have a movie with a runtme of 1:33:40 which gets asynchronous really fast (you can already tell after 15 seconds). But that video is perfectly fluid like the source material and without judder.

If I set the fps to 24fps the outcome will be synchronous, but it shows heavy judder - a lot more than it should.

Here is the file information of the outcome when exporting to mp4 with 23.976fps:
Spoiler :
As you can see the audio and the information in the container got the right lengh, but the video for some reason is to short and encoded with 25fps. But why it exports only the video with 25fps and why is the video still smooth? Shouldn't it be full of judder, because of the double frames? Maybe somewhere I forgot a setting?

Things I already have tried:

Encoding with codec set to HIGH profile
Encoding with codec set to MAIN profile
Encoding to a HDTV preset (only changed the fps to 23.98)
Extracted the mp4 file and remuxxed it to mkv and mp4 (tried both).
Shortened the movie to only the first 2-3 minutes as a test export (to see if it screws up because of the lengh or a specific part), but it still gets asynchronous after a few seconds and the whole video is still a bit shorter than it should be, because of the encode to 25fps.

Someone knows what else I could try?

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Re: MAGIX Video deluxe 2015 23.976fps export problem

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:48 am

The general rule of thumb for any consumer grade editing software is to not encode on export. Exporting and encoding are two seperate steps. If you're dealing with 90-100 minutes of 720p footage, I hope you have a lot of disk space free.
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