JOURNAL: AMVFreakazoid (Miranda )

  • teen titans 2005-02-07 15:54:26 ya...i've started getting into teen titan vids! all thanks to hugh hefners follower, my good friend blue fox a.k.a bb!!! go download his videos now! im rebelling downloading his vids because that beyotch doesnt download mine ><

    lol but i cant stay mad at him forever! im actually not so mad anymore. lol well i've got a good idea, but i might just give it to bb b/c i dont have the necessary materials ><

    i have the song, but i need the teen titan episode, THE QUEST to make my idea work!

    ive added a mass amount of vids since my last entry! look my newest vid, Arcadia! its a video to the great great GREAT song Sinnerman (felix da housecat's heavenly house remix) you all might know it from Cellular the movie. its at the end of the movie! p.s chris evans is a major hottie ^_^ its to the anime chobits!!! and you cant steal it cuz its already been made and its ready to be put up..unfortunately......i left my only copy at dads house >< so i have to get it this weekend

    well i have massive homework, l8r dayz

    peace out
    ~* randi *~ 
  • 2005! 4 mor years till i graduate and move outta this hell hole!! 2005-01-01 00:51:38 whoooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo! its 2005! 4 more years and i can finally go to cali with caitlin! we're gonna hit all the beaches and surf ALL DAY LONG! its gonna rock!! well thats pretty far away so its hard to think about. well the ball dropped about 45 minutes ago but im still stealing sips of champange! XD i better not wake up with a headache tomorrow! its gonna be a big day! well my new vid is out. Its called Satsujin. If you've studied your japanese, you realize that this means Homicide/Murder. i felt it went pretty good with the song, Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach. I think this may be my favorite vid so far! i think its the shiz-nite personally! well while your reading this, you could be downloading it! wtf mate!?!?!?! go download NOW! i know u will love it! i mean...who doesnt love my work? lol i shouldn't say that, someguy gave me a 5 overall! i was like....W to the T to the F MATE!!! well obviously i've had too much sugar and champagne so im gonna stop *guzzles last bottle* ahhhh, thats great stuff! lol you wanna know why i love new years eve? its the only night i can drink alchol since im under age! by about...8 so.....ya....

    im not a lush peeps so dont freak out! that would be my sister erica!

    lol ok well im gonna go do my own thang, so ttyl luv ya lots and download my vids!!! 
  • Mars, bitches! 2004-12-31 00:07:09 lol its true...i was watching chappelle's show and it was so funny! im really kinda mad though cuz my movie maker program wont work!!!! im also really hella mad cuz i made an opening and i cant use it if WMM wont work!!!!! =_( its soo guess i'll have to go watch more chappelle's show. i really wanna see the Wayne Brady one! i hear that one was soooo funny! i got to see the lil john one (where hes dressed like lil john and hes actually talkin to lil john) and it was hella funny so im pretty good =)

    well i guess this is prolly gonna be the last post i make for this sad.... lol i think i'll end out the year with some funny stuff (its already 12:00 my time so its new years eve!!!)

    "your not drunk unless you have to grab the grass to keep from falling off the earth."
    - Doug Benson

    "vote black bush 2004! mars, beyotches (he actually said the b word but i dont know if i should here lol)."
    - Dave Chappelle

    um...i really can't think of anything else right now so im just gonna stop there. lol happy new years bbbbeeeyyyyooootttttcccchhhhh =D lol 
  • Life in the Lugo Lane 2004-12-29 00:23:47 lol ya...if u havent figured it out from reading my title, my last name is lugo. its ok...misspelled toooooo many times...but ok. lol well i've added a crap load of amv's since my last post. the one i hated the most is the operation mindcrime trailer. my fave was All For You....but....i couldnt upload it completely so i'll have to do it l8r. my newest one is gonna be soo cool. its witch hunter robin to Save Yourself by Stabbing Westward. im also thinking of making an opening thing. that would soo kick arse. maybe...ill do like...a final fantasy dragon blowing fire and then BAM! Dragon's Fire pops up...maybe i could put it to getting away with murder....or...some rock song. i luv rock..rocky rock rock. lol i sooo wanna c anchor man!!! well im gonna wrap things up here with a lil something i like to call...hottie countdown. oh ya

    10.) Coby Dick (papa roach)
    9.) Toby McGuire (spiderman)
    8.)Wesley Snipes (hot hot hot blade!!!)
    7.)Sean William Scott (hotty from american pie)
    6.) brandon (a hottie in my school!!!)
    5.)Doug Robb
    4.)brian (a hottie in cali lol who luvs my "sexy 10's")
    3.)Vin Disel
    2.)Ryan Pinkston
    1.)Hal Sparks 
  • Journal Log Star Date 001 2004-09-14 16:29:55 Journal Log, Star Date 001. I feel lost in the endless amounts or AMV ideas i have. I have alotta good ideas but...MY THINGY WONT WORK NE MORE! i was soo mad! i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO! i can think of them good, but when i make them, they arent as good! maybe i need a new maker thing. so far i have WMM2 and its cool. is there ne other maker that is waaaayyy better than WMM2? cuz if so i could use it! is there a free download out there too cuz im a cheapskate! lol well ill ttyl, gonna go check the forums and see if there is any reply to my posting!  
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