JOURNAL: SarahtheBoring (Sarah B')

  • I don't wanna think anymore! 2010-11-08 17:33:16

    I dunno if the QC meant my editing in general or this encode in particular, but IIRC the YouKnowWhere version of the video has better timing than the MP4. I probably messed up the encode one way or another. (Didn't think anyone would notice, did you!? Oh-ho!)

    I plan to tweak it a bit before attempting to inflict it on any conventions, so if that all works out, I may have a better encode in the future.

    I assume I can't link to YouKnowWhere from here, but I have the same username. I also have this, which also has better timing than the MP4:

    ...but it's an XviD AVI.

    ...hmm, I could list that as a direct download. Only takes a second. Suppose I will.
  • Chaos Out of Order 2010-02-28 15:53:07

    Turns out it's the worst video I've ever made. That's pretty impressive, in a way. I've made some stinkers. Yeah, I feel like an idiot for having so much fun making it, and liking this project. I am super bummed. But at the same time, daaaaaaaamn. I have outdone myself, it turns out. Just not in the way I'd have expected.

    I must have some kind of backwards wiring, because my videos have gotten progressively *worse* over time. Seriously. The harder I try, the worse it gets, apparently.

    So anyway, step right up and check it out, ladies and gentlemen. 
  • 2009-11-10 19:14:32 ...nope, that's all. WTF? 
  • Whoops. 2009-01-28 22:48:00 Set up an indirect link and then forgot to update the page that it linked to.

    HOW long have I been at this? Heh.

    The new video is the lowest rated ever. Even lower than the "Look to the Sky" video, which basically put people to sleep. That's pretty impressive.

    I also didn't notice that I've been on a one-video-per-year streak for two years. How about that. Well, this year is guaranteed two. Oooh, hold onto your hats. ;D

    Whatever, it's fun. Life's too short. 
  • This ain't irony, kids. 2008-08-27 22:48:31 It took somebody THIS long to QC with "lololol ur dumb and ur name matches ur video lolol". Dude, seriously, try harder. I've heard that line since 1999. It's why I have the name. Duh.
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