JOURNAL: Scintilla (Peter )

  • @BakaOppai 2014-05-04 22:05:43 Wait, he asked you for PERMISSION?

    If only I should have been so lucky. Even when I asked him to take mine down, he politely told me he wouldn't do it. 
  • Efficienct AND fun! 2014-05-01 00:15:06 Tonight's "gotta get this working before I go to bed" scripting project: extending my MS Excel workbook that I've been using to create prescreening ballots for AnimeNEXT's AMV contest for the past two years, so that it now can also:

    - Creates a series of XML files, each representing a MeGUI job that will encode a single competing video's audio to AC3
    - Creates a list of XML tags referring to those jobs that can be copied into MeGUI's joblists.xml

    The AC3s are encoding right now. And it only took about an hour to get it working. Success.

    Of course, it wouldn't have been possible without the MS Access database I use to track the contest videos and the rigid directory structure in which the video files are stored. Which makes me feel even better about how I designed those in the first place. 
  • @Driftroot 2014-04-14 20:38:07 "It just would feel WRONG to try and make an AMV that shows the movie off in a good light."

    There's nothing quite like making a good AMV of a bad animé and then seeing the reactions from the poor people who see the video and are thus inspired to check out the animé. I did it in 2005 with Fushigi Yuugi: Eikoden... 
  • Deadlines. 2013-06-17 02:26:26 At less than a day spent working on it, this Otakon video is now officially the stupidest and most rushed AMV I have ever made.

    Maybe if the Comedy field is weak again, it has a chance of getting in. But otherwise, my streak is over. 
  • Serendipity. 2013-05-13 00:06:13 It's a nice feeling, dusting off an AMV you haven't worked on for five years and discovering that you had more ideas already down on the timeline than you'd thought you had (you just hadn't exported them all). 
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