JOURNAL: TritioAFB (Lenin Meza)

  • New AMV 2024-05-06 18:51:46 I forgot to upload it here so there you go:

    Mato Summer : 
  • It's been a long way into AMVs 2022-05-01 11:43:57 Sometimes I feel I should step down from AMVs: the activity done during Covid19 pandemic has already gotten tired all the medical staff, including me. But as a hobby, AMvs has proven to be a way to distract from the current situation. Even when I dont have the same free time I used to have ten years ago and with the birth of my first son, I also have the feeling to not leave too quickly. It will be interesting to know in the future if he makes it to find all my videos and even read the description of MLM once he learns english.

    In the mean time I'm looking for an AMV studio so I will listen to offers 
  • 10 years of Magnus passing away 2022-03-06 16:09:50 People who know me is sure that I love celebrating other people birthdays. Today I was looking into the birthdays list and the first one is Magnus, some people might met him as ZetZu. He passed away back in 2012, and couldnt avoid feeling sad, even though we just met in his last years.

    Wished I could have spent more time with him but blessed to have met him. By that time I was finishing my studies as a medical doctor but already taking care of patients, weird thing in Latin America

    His org profile may be found by typing Magnus rest in peace and your last words to me are still in my mind:

    "Keep on the good work, cure more people and save them from this hell called "cancer".
    You are in my eyes a great hero." 
  • The end of the Exile / Tritio is back 2016-08-09 08:41:47 So, here's what'll happen:

    -The Premiere of 'StraTerrexter' the video with a lot of referencees to AMVs
    -There is the episode 3 and final video of the trilogy of videos from tritium to deuterius. Now it will be a reality in the next months. Originally Umika was betatesting the first seconds but due her death I decided to turn it into her tribute. Didnt make any to her in the past so this one shalle be the one.

    All right folks, I want to know what has happened here in the last months see ya! 
  • A new future for the org 2016-05-08 14:03:01 I like and approve the recent changes that are happening in the org. Having kireblue as admin, it's like he asks me for a review, interview for studios, people or communities and it will be done. The kind that encourages the rest of members to do something more than just editing and chatting :)

    As for the rest of people in the staff, since we know for a long time, you're doing fine peeps 
Current server time: Jun 10, 2024 13:10:48