My Profile

  • Anime Jedi
  • User Name: Anime Jedi
  • Member Since: Sunday, May 19, 2002, 12:16 PM
  • Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Last Login: 2018-05-28 23:29:42
  • Forum Info: Profile        Posts (2400)
  • Worthy Banners: 10 worthy banners
  • Journal: Last entry made on 2010-02-10 00:39:29
  • Usefulness: 279.1 with 189 opinions
    [average 119.3 of 231895 opinions; standard deviation 432 ]
  • Profile: UPDATE: Dec. 06 2009

    About me:
    I'm in my 20s. I discovered anime in 1998 by watching Pokémon. To some people, it's a weird way to start off, but it's led me to this world of anime and ever since I've been crazy about it. I keep trying to expand my knowledge on anime and so far, it hasn't gone too badly.

    The Whole AMV scene:
    I learned about AMVs sometime before ever having any knowledge about I had recently just watched Digimon: the Movie, and loved it. One thing I really enjoyed was the music. This was when Napster was at the top of it's game (though I've never used it personally). Anyways, I was searching for some Digimon music on the internet, and stumbled upon some DBZ music videos. You know, the 5 MB files, which are random fight scenes mixed with some action music. I thought it was the greatest thing I had ever seen.

    Although at that time, I was really cautious about hard drive space, so I never got anything over 10 MB (0_0, I know). Then I searched for more... and more... and more... Eventually, I caved little by little and started downloading larger AMVs. 15 MB... 20 MB... 25 MB... Next thing I know, I stumbled upon a site devoted solely to anime music videos. I thought it was a miracle! ^_^

    I visited this site frequently, always checking for new AMVs to be added. Of course, I only got the ones I knew what the anime were about, but I slowly experimented and tried new ones. Next thing I know, I'm where I stand now, downloading, reviewing, posting on the forum, and sometimes even making web banners to enter in the Banner Ad Contest. ^_^

    Someday I would like to make an anime music video. Just one. Something that I'll be able to put my heart and soul into. But I still have a long way to go. I don't have any equipment except for an actual computer. So for now, that's still a dream.

    I can still enjoy and review them. Which is what I do right now. The way I've been going right now, I always some AMVs to review, so that keeps me busy. It's fun too. I normally watch the AMV while reviewing it, so it's fresh in my mind. Well, with the time I take on writing something up, I've watched through the AMV about 10 times, and am always noticing something new. It just gets hard to comment on something new for each AMV, because I tend to use up all of my materiel, and I write basically the same comments on most AMVs. But I'm trying. ^_^

    The first Eva vid I ever saw (Kazaa): A Tribute to Asuka and Shinji (Version 1-live footage)

    To those who read my reviews (opinions), I just want to tell you that I edit them every now and then because I always discover new points about the music video in which to comment on. Also, I try to watch the music video on multiple computers, this way I won't give it a bad review when it's really the computer at fault.

    Also, sorry to all the music video creators that have responded to my reviews, because I might change them in the future. I found that I've been reviewing way too high lately, considering that 5 is supposed to be the average. So, starting Aug. 19 2002, I'm going to review a little lower than usual. And to those I've already reviewed, I'm going to tune them down a notch. Sorry. :(

    I also try to find vids that don't have very many comments, this way what I say might actually be able to make a difference. I don't think there's a point to writing an opinion to a vid that already has more than 50 opinions. So most of the vids I review have about 10 or less. Though of course when I find a really good vid, there's definitely going to be people who wish to congratulate the creator, so most of the vids I've reviewed pretty high have a lot of opinions, anywhere from 77 and lower. I just prefer to find the less crowded ones. lol

global average

  • Count231895
  • Originality8.47
  • Visual Quality8.37
  • Audio9.00
  • Action Sync8.45
  • Lip Sync8.23
  • Special Effects8.49
  • Effort8.60
  • Re-view-ability7.92
  • Overall8.43

average given

  • Count189
  • Originality7.94
  • Visual Quality8.13
  • Audio8.25
  • Action Sync8.32
  • Lip Sync7.80
  • Special Effects7.81
  • Effort8.16
  • Re-view-ability7.48
  • Overall7.96

average received

  • Count0
  • Originality
  • Visual Quality
  • Audio
  • Action Sync
  • Lip Sync
  • Special Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-view-ability
  • Overall


Neon Genesis Evangelion
Death Note (TV)
Azumanga Daioh (TV)
His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano)
Please Twins! (TV)
Vision of Escaflowne, The
Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X - 1st OVA (Tsuiokuhen, Trust & Betrayal)
Please Teacher (TV)
FLCL (Fooly Cooly)