My Profile

  • K-type
  • User Name: K-type
  • Member Since: Tuesday, April 1, 2003, 3:36 AM
  • Last Login: 2008-06-16 17:48:13
  • Forum Info: Profile        Posts (8)
  • Profile:
    The Origin of K-Type :

    It was the evening of the AMV finals of Fanime 2K2.

    I make my way to the contest room only to find the line for this event going out the door and down the sidewalk. I begin my journey to the end of the line. My morale sinks with each step as I am taken further and further away from the convention. Suddenly forty-five minutes early didn't seem to be early enough. After what feels like an eternity I succeed in putting my own little dent in the line, but it was far from over. Santa Clara gets cold at night. Tonight was no different. People had their ways of passing the time. In front of me, camera-weilding otakus walked up and down the line taking snapshots of cosplayers. Behind me, men with bags full of dealer-room-goodies were burning through their latest mangas. And there I was. Looking in front of me, and looking behind me like some kind of paranoid nutcase. A child started to play pokemon on his Gameboy. Life was not at its best.

    Minutes move forward like a legless man in a bicycle race. A surge of hope courses through my body as I notice Fanime staff members pouring out of the building. They're yelling something to the crowd. "Can we have all the creators at the front of the line! If you are an AMV creator please go to the front of the line!" It was the first time I wished I were an AMV creator. No line. No cold. No pokemon. Maybe even a little respect. My daydream was so vivid that the guy behind me had to tap my shoulder to snap me out of it. The line was moving.

    The room was divided into a left group of chairs and a right group of chairs with the projector in the aisle between. I found a seat in one of the very back rows. I was lucky. Soon the back wall was a popular place for the chairless. The finals started, and like a typical AMV final, it enforced the sacred AMV finals commandment: Thou shalt make thy audience wait until the end for the comedy videos. It worked. I hate that commandment.

    The comedy category finally comes around. Let's face it, people don't wait in super long lines in the cold thinking "I can't wait to cry like a little girl to the latest drama vid of such and such!" or "I hope so and so's new horror video is so gross I barf all over myself!" Don't get me wrong, some of the best videos I've ever seen come from those categories, but it doesn't change the fact that above all else: people come to laugh. Anime is funny on its own. When you go out of your way to make a funny anime even funnier with the help of music, the good times can't help but roll. Or so I thought.

    Watching Fanime2K2's comedy vids made me realize something. Deciding to make a comedy video, gearing all your edits towards making a comedy video, and submiting your comedy video in a comedy contest does not automatically make your video funny. Were they trying too hard? Were they not trying hard enough? Had replacing the blood in my body with caffeine for the past 56 hours affected my visual and auditory perception? These are all very possible, but one thing was clear: none of these videos appealed to me. None of them, except for one.

    If you went to Fanime 2K2 you already know which video I'm talking about. Steven Sundrud's Tarzan and Su. This video was such a cut above the rest that he easily earned several awards. It was great. No one came close. He had no competition.

    No competition.

    It was his first video and it was awesome.
    My first video could be awesome too...

    He's a college student with a passion for anime.
    I'm a college student with the same passion...

    His first name is Steven.
    I knew someone in junior high named Steven...

    I'll never forget that moment. My mind clicked as the gears fell into place. For the first time in a long time, I was thinking clearly. I had locked my car keys in the driver's seat. I'll never forget the moment after that, either. The moment I decided I wouldn't allow next year's comedy finals to be a shut-out. The moment I decided that I'd make Steve work much harder for his awards next year. The moment I knew I would make a video to rival his at the finals of Fanime 2K3. After four Fanime conventions of taking, it was time to give something back.

    By June of 2003: CHIHUAHUA! was born.

global average

  • Count231894
  • Originality8.47
  • Visual Quality8.37
  • Audio9.00
  • Action Sync8.45
  • Lip Sync8.24
  • Special Effects8.49
  • Effort8.60
  • Re-view-ability7.92
  • Overall8.43

average given

  • Count0
  • Originality
  • Visual Quality
  • Audio
  • Action Sync
  • Lip Sync
  • Special Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-view-ability
  • Overall

average received

  • Count298
  • Originality9.34
  • Visual Quality9.20
  • Audio9.54
  • Action Sync9.44
  • Lip Sync9.61
  • Special Effects
  • Effort9.50
  • Re-view-ability9.04
  • Overall9.44

My Videos (2)

  • Hale's Mom (2004-05-29)
    [hits: 54825][opinions: 135]
    • Fountains of Wayne Stacy's Mom
    • Haré+Guu (TV)
    • Comedy
    • Fun
  • CHIHUAHUA! (2003-06-21)
    [hits: 61743][opinions: 163]
    • DJ Bobo Chihuahua
    • Golden Boy
    • Character Profile
    • Comedy
    • Fun