Video Information


  • Member: *Atlas*
  • Title: The Mini AMV of Hahuri Suzumiya
  • Premiered: 2006-07-11
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Oasis F***ing In The Bushes
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Like many other people, I was quickly addicted to this series and thoroughly enjoyed it. Like many other people, I was also dissappointed when it came to an end. I am currently working on two other AMV projects concerning two other different series but decided to do a mini AMV using the Melancholy of Hahuri Suzumiya for fun in between.

    I have seen alot of AMVs and enjoyed them all immensely as they create new stories, highlight certain aspects or moods of different series, - or make good fun. By making an AMV, you can also in a way prolong the longevity of the series by creating something people familiar to the show havent seen, all the while using the characters familiar to them. With the series still fresh in mind, I decided to make a small AMV for fun on a slow saturday and sunday afternoon, and did bits and pieces the following week to tidy up.

    I enjoyed making this, and although its only 40 or so seconds long, I spent over 14hrs making it (incuding reviewing and tidying it). This is mainly due to inexperience with the software and difficulty voice syncing Hahuri to English words when the animators spent alot of effort using realistic mouth movements for her song. I was surprised at this as the time went very quickly.

    The program I used was Vegas Video 5.0. The song is F****ng in the Bushes by Oasis. The episode I used is the cultural festival (12). The reason I chose this song (or start of it for that matter) is because it is heavily drum and guitar based, and the effort the artists put into the animation of the song 'God Bless' in ep 12 was pretty impressive, so I tried to combine the two.

    As I said this was one for fun, I really hope you also enjoy it. Although I have multplie ideas for mini AMVs I dont think that I'll be able to complete them anytime soon, so I released this a stand alone rather than wait until more are completed and release them combined into one (ala AMV Hell and many other compilations). Down the track if there is a MEP whose criteria can include this and they are interested, I'd be more than happy to oblige. It would be good for this to be part of a larger compilation rather than a stand alone as at the moment its quick ending makes it disjointed. Currently the source is fansubbed, I will re-release it with a raw source sometime in the future.

    In the mean time though, I hope you enjoy!

    Mick Linehan (*Atlas*)

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