Video Information


  • Member: VegettoEX
  • Title: Better Off Dead
  • Premiered: 2000-11-28
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • New Found Glory Better Off Dead
  • Anime:
  • Comments: *** VIDEO PROCESS AND NOTES ***

    Everyone has their first. Your first time is an experience you never forget, and always lingers in your mind each time you repeat the process. All of your triumphs and faults, alike, continue onwards from this very first time. Hopefully, you mature and make better decisions along the way. Despite all this, you should never forget your roots.

    But Christ... like everyone else... how I wish I could ;_;

    Hey, at least it's not an over-used band.

    Shortly after getting my capture card (ATI All-in-Wonder 128, which up until this point was mostly being used for taking "DragonBall" clips for "Daizenshuu EX"), I decided the next logical step would be to follow in Meri's footsteps, and make my own anime music video. I collected a wide range of VHS releases from myself, Meri, and friends on my floor at school who were into the show (domestic tapes, only, except for a couple scenes, mentioned later). I would have used some DVD sources, but at this point in time, there was VERY few released, and I didn't yet know how to apply Macrovision-killing patches.

    The video pretty much has a one line joke: "She said I'm better off dead" = scenes of deaths, hopefully put to a more amusing audio than the original show. Unfortunately, I had the impression they mentioned "death" in the song A LOT more than they actually do (what, twice?).

    With this in mind, every line was approached in a linear fashion, as it came in the song / video. Fast-paced scenes for fast-paced instruments, "clever" and "witty" scenes to match lyrics, etc. It worked... uhh... sometimes.

    Here are some examples of what I thought was REALLY funny when I made the video, and now just realize that I'm a complete moron with the collective intelligence of a six year old mentally challenged child and a dead panda bear:

    "... heart on to the ground" = people falling on the ground
    "... careful, you might kill him" = Trunks looking at Freeza
    "Just 'cuz he can't hear what you say, doesn't mean that he's not listening" = Gohan and Kuririn on the phone
    "So you've been going out for years, and I'm sure that you've been happy... happy with your role" = Vegeta getting pimped around in a towel by Bulma

    Around 1:40 in, the FIRST mention of death... "Better off DEAD!" (insert Kuririn being blown up by Freeza, actually timed up to the yell, probably the first INTENDED sync of the entire video)... uhh... that's probably the highlight of the video, you can stop now.

    Oh, there's more if you're a masochist, though.

    I think I tried to randomly have Vegeta lip-synch some stuff near the end. *shudder* FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THAT I COULD TRY. SHOOT ME.

    There's a fansub shot of episode five, I believe, in which Piccolo kills Goku and Radditz with the Makkankosappo that bursts through them. I used my fansub because at that time, there was no commercial release of the scene where the attack goes THROUGH the two individuals, which is the scene I timed up to a beat or yell, or something.

    Christ, I don't know. I'm typing this all from memory. *I* can't stand to watch the video again.

    *** AVAILABILITY ***

    ... which leads me to say that you probably won't find this video for download anywhere. I know *I'm* not hosting it. It's in ASF format (I have NO idea why.. I was trying this "Oh, I think I actually know something about compression, whee, let's try this!" phase in my life). Reading over my updates from my website in an attempt to find the release date, it appears I also made a DivX file at some point. Ugh. You might dig it up if you go trash-surfing through some P2P programs, but don't get your hopes up.

    Maybe when I'm old and rich I'll auction it off.

    When making the video, I had intended it to be my "big Otakon debut." What a delusional RETARD.

    *** TECH STUFF ***

    CAPTURE: 320x240 uncompressed AVI
    PROGRAM: Adobe Premiere LE
    VIDEO SOURCE: Various "DragonBall Z" domestic release VHS
    AUDIO SOURCE: "New Found Glory" - Self titled 2001 release CD rip, PCM .WAV
    OUTPUT: 320x240 uncompressed AVI

Opinions (3)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 8.00
  • 8.33
  • 8.67
  • 8.00
  • 8.67
  • 7.67
  • 8.33
