Video Information


  • Member: JaddziaDax
  • Studio: Katie's Web Sight!! Productions
  • Title: Intangible Dream
  • Premiered: 2008-09-16
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Terra Naomi Say It's Possible
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: This video has some meaning to me, I don't know if people will get it or not, I'm told it helps to know the series though..

    Announcement Thread
    Terra Naomi's Youtube Account

    Sony Vegas 6.0
    Virtualdub Mod
    Image Ready
    Zarxgui - (for the mp4)

    This video had been in my head for a while now.. Some events in my life kinda pushed it to the front burner... I am currently lacking motivation in amv editing... Not that it has anything to do with the video I just feel like "bitching" about it... Anyways, I'm not sure how many people who will "get" this video, or find the song "not annoying" O.o however it has some personal meaning to me, but I don't think most people will get it...

    I know I listed "effects" for this video, but really there is only some masking on a transition, and that's about it, so don't expect shapes to be flying everywhere O.o or anything crazy like that...

    Also this is my "AWA Pro" video... don't know how I got into the finals, but I suppose this weekend will be interesting O.o

    Thanks to my beta testers and mostly Koopiskeva - since he gave me feedback that really helped when I needed it.

    I really don't know what else to say about the video, however enjoy... I suppose?

Opinions (7)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.80
  • 10.00
  • 10.00
  • 10.00
  • 9.80
  • 9.60
  • 9.40
  • 9.60
