Video Information


  • Member: -MaNi-
  • Title: Bleach AMV - The human stain
  • Premiered: 2009-12-21
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Kamelot The human stain
  • Anime:
  • Comments: So its finally done. This is my second AMV, took me a while to do because i had some issues with the widescreen to fix and also finding raw and converting the format of the episodes before i could use them

    Programme used: Sony Vegas

    I focused more on a story rather than fancy effects or using a super fast paced song with a seizure of clips. Had effects but not a great deal, and in my opinion i did a decent job of getting the story/emotions across. If you've watched bleach, then this will help 'click' alot more for you

    Storyline? Well there is, its pretty much in a simplified form the attempted rescue of inoue and rukia by Ichigo. AMV is meant to show off the emotions from the characters, the sort of 'evil' villians and well you get the rest. White knight to the rescue sort of thing. I included a section with ichigo's childhood to show off his emotions, how he wishes he was a child once more, to not be under going such hardships, to be at a time where he was in peace with his family and not have to see his friends hurt

    I wasn't too happy about the part during 0:30-0:40. Left it till last and by then i just wanted to get this done, so try to bear with it please

    As i mentioned this is my 2nd AMV. First one i made was ok, but could have had alot of changes. This is definately a improvement over the first. Its definately not anything 'noobish' but also nto pro.

    Enjoy the show. Oh and rate and comment please.

    P.S. You might notice that the screen size is small, and that there is a weird large clip at 3:19. Thats the normal size of the video's, but the RAW i got for the grimmjow fight was of this dimensions, so i had to resize the rest of the video's for consistency.

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