Video Information


  • Member: Copycat_Revolver
  • Studio: Corndog Vidvids
  • Title: Demeter Complex
  • Premiered: 2010-01-23
  • Categories:
  • Songs:
    • Cloud Cult Car Crash
    • The Pixies Mr. Grieves
  • Anime:
  • Comments: So begins the long process of cleaning out my old computer of the various half finished projects cluttering it up, so I can toss it into a massive garbage heap with a clear conscious.

    This video was actually edited over the course of several months about two years ago or so if I remember correctly. I showed a beta version to several people (I can only for sure remember that blabbler and Orwell gave quite a bit of feedback). Sadly, during the course of the beta testing I lost the drive to complete it, mostly because of a lot of glaring problems with the video, and this pair of videos got thrown into the infinite uncertainty of the "will do later" pile.

    Well, I did like this video to some degree and didn't want to throw away all that work, so I went through and fixed whatever I could, trimmed the irritating and overly long intro, and completely re-edited the ending to make something that might actually be presentable. I'm actually pleased with the results and the prospect of actually putting this one to rest, whatever reaction it receives.

    Now I think you should watch and leave an opinion. It's your duty. Don't make the pandas cry and go extinct because you didn't want to tell me what you thought of my video.

Opinions (1)
