Video Information


  • Member: SarahtheBoring
  • Studio: Ultraviolet Light Productions
  • Title: Offline
  • Premiered: 2010-11-07
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Lady Gaga Telephone
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Yes, really.

    My sister emailed me one day with this idea that she and a friend had come up with. It made my brain hurt. I appreciate that effect, so I listened to the song a few times to consider it (I barely knew the song at the time). Before long I was on board.

    I started working on this in November 2010, parallel to my husband's working on NaNoWriMo. I had a lot of other stuff to do at the time, but this is not at all the first time that I've shirked other deadlines by working on AMVs. Ha. The pressure of other deadlines is mighty, and it didn't hurt that I already had it mentally mapped out. The video was done within a week.

    So, here we are. Tachikoma dancing, alarming casting choices, and avoiding pants. Plus a couple of little shout-outs to the original music video.

    Enjoy, or not; your choice.

    Edit, as of April 2011: Thanks, Tekkoshocon! You clearly don't mess with the 'Komas. Or "Telephone." I didn't intend to pander to Tekko's core audience of teenage girls, but that's basically what happened. Anyway, I'm adding a direct link to the "con version" of the video, which has a couple of minor timing fixes and no credits.

Opinions (2)
