Video Information


  • Member: SarahtheBoring
  • Studio: Ultraviolet Light Productions
  • Title: All My Awkward Homies
  • Premiered: 2012-04-16
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • MC Frontalot Wallflowers
  • Anime:
  • Comments: I wanted to play around with this series, which is one of my recent favorites. There are also only about half a dozen Princess Jellyfish AMVs on the org (which are very sweet, and mostly deal with the serious parts of the show). While I did have a respectable, uplifting-type video idea, I didn't really feel up to the challenge yet. I roamed through my music collection until I found something with potential for a silly video instead. I thought, "I'll play around with this and see how it goes, and once I get my sea legs back, I'll start on the serious video." Instead, this finished itself in a weekend, and here we are.

    What's it about. Awkwardness. Hijinks. Otaku. Crossdressing club kids. Politicians. Partially successful makeovers. Flailing. I had to actively prevent Mayaya and the Prime Minister from taking over the whole video, which should give you an idea of the tone. (If you haven't seen the series yet, well, you'll see.)

    No spoilers except what's on the back of the box.

    This series has several serious-to-seriousish plotlines, including a love quadrangle, stuff about characters' relationships to their late mothers, an overall theme of self-acceptance, and subplots about political blackmail and gentrification. But none of that is in here. (Hmm, I think I've said that before...)

Opinions (1)
