Video Information


  • Member: machina21
  • Studio: Dakrewkideye Studios
  • Title: Once Upon a Time on Gunsmoke
  • Premiered: 2013-07-05
  • Categories:
  • Songs:
    • Ennio Morricone Il Forte
    • Ennio Morricone The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
  • Anime:
  • Comments:

    "Get three donut boxes ready..."

    Every video usually has some kind of lesson you can take from it. Sometimes that lesson is understanding just how committed you have to be to complete an idea to simply remembering to save, save often and save multiple copies. In the case of "Once Upon a time on Gunsmoke" the main lesson was "be flexible".

    I love westerns and of course I am a big fan of the one western to rule them all, "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly",especially the title sequence. Of course, pairing "Trigun" with the theme of "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" is one of those "no brainer" kind of vids that a lot of people think of and do, but I wanted to take a spin and see what I can come up with.

    Originally, the first 1:20 of this video was meant to be a frame for frame parody of the opening title sequence for "The Good,The Bad & The Ugly" and initially, I was pretty set on not changing it. I loved the original way too much and changing anything seemed like I wasn't doing the original justice. However, my beta testers thought otherwise and rightfully so. The original title sequence for "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" is a product of it's time. Lots of still images and not much movement. The song is the real star of the show and if it wasn't so gloriously awesome, I don't think many would remember it as well as they do now. After a few sessions with the beta testers, I soon realized that I was going to have to really change things around and at first, I did it begrudgingly. Especially since that meant having to create whole new sequences and discarding stuff that I worked pretty hard on. The moment I realized all the changes were for the better was at the AMV room at Anime Expo 2013. I showed the video at a Creator's Spotlight ( a last minute addition) and was sort of satisfied with the results. A few days later during a block of non-finalists for the AMV contest , the non beta-tested version was shown and I was pretty damn embarrassed at what I saw and that I actually sent it in to the contest. Sometimes change is good.

    To further drive home the parody aspect of the video, one of it's original titles was "The Good, The Bad & The Stampede". That didn't exactly work for me and I went through the titles for all of the 'Man with no name' trilogy: A Fistful of Double Dollars, A Few Double Dollars More...

    I decided on "Once Upon a Time on Gunsmoke" mainly because It didn't sound too corny. Also, not many seem to remember Sergio Leone's "Once Upon a Time in the West" since it's not technically a part of the "Man with no name" trilogy and I thought it would seem a bit more original. Finally, the title could work as a substitute for "Trigun" since the show is about a story that does take place on the planet "Gunsmoke".

    Doing title sequences are fun little exercises that don't demand too much of me for the most part. They are also an opportunity to either test out a technique or just be a refresher course on things that I have done. I really wanted to try a do a more proper title sequence since my attempt at one was kind of wonky.

    As always thanks to my beta testers and to anyone who bothers to watch this. Hopefully it is a worthy addition to The Org.

Opinions (1)
