Video Information


  • Member: AUSOtaku
  • Title: Kuroko's Jam
  • Premiered: 2014-07-10
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Grimblee remix Space Jam
  • Anime:
  • Comments: So, this is what you might call my "Intro AMV". While this is by no means my first AMV, it is the first I deemed worthy enough to broadcast to this site. With that out of the way, I shall now explain this video and what it means to me.

    A good friend of mine was a talented basketball player and he reccommended I watch Kuroko. I accepted and loved the show and I blame it for fueling my love for sports anime. When I told him my plans to edit it into an AMV, he quite literally flipped. No, really. He did a backflip. I was there. It was cool. But that was probably over a year ago and since then everytime he saw me he asked how the project was doing. I guess he was the reason I finished it.

    While Kuroko no Basket AMV's have become mainstream on youtube, I actually planned about half of this video before the second season was announced. Then I had to wait until the sequel finished, then I procrastinated, got frustrated at how good others were and then finally I finished it. It was hell I asure you.

    The song choice shouldn't have to be explained. Basketball song goes with Basketball. Next one.

    The overall editing time is hard to calculate as it was very off and on. I would approximate 15+ hours in back to back, but that's including all of the scanning in episodes to find the bit I wanted.

    I used Sony Vegas Pro 12 to edit this, and even though it gave me some troubles, I believe I will keep using it in the future.

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