Video Information


  • Member: Camichan19
  • Title: Elevator Jammed {Team Warfare R.3}
  • Premiered: 2014-05-19
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Neon Trees Boys and Girls
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video has been up on YouTube for a while, but considering it was an upload created purely for an Org contest, it's about time I present it here as well.

    This is my solo entry for the third round of Team Warfare (for Team Chicken Cult).
    The theme I chose was "Taco Buffet", where we had to make a video with only/primarily girls as the focus. So with this in mind I thought what better to use than Revolutionary Girl Utena?

    For as old as this series is, I only picked it up last summer and watched it. But now it's forever one of my favorites. The breakdown of gender conventions and complex relationships make the show so deep and unique, and I wanted to give a taste of that through this edit. I thought the song was an excellent match as well.

    I will admit, I started this incredibly late to the deadline, so a lot is left to be desired.
    This definitely would've been MUCH better had I dedicated enough time to it.

    A lot of the judge's/viewers encouraged I finish it, though I've decided not to pursue it further.
    This did teach me that I have more potential than I think, and on that regard I am proud of this work. I know that I can make a much better AMV with this source another time, because it deserves one.

    My activity has been so dead, so here's an upload, though an imperfect one. I hope some of you will like it!~


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