Video Information


  • Member: StarKillerWomen
  • Title: Crossfire
  • Premiered: 2016-08-26
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Stephen Crossfire
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Yo guys! It's my first amv - crossover, I made it for Polish AMV Contest. Deadline is for 5 days and I finished it yesterday... I don't know if They will accept it, I feel bad bcuz few moments (especially "end") are bad, I mean scenes + zooms (again thank You Vegas for 8 hours of rendering) , but I really wanted join there with my friends, If I have more time then it will be looks better. Anyway I'm glad that I finished it, bcuz it's really smth different, it's not crossover like all crossover what I know from YT and amv community. Why? It's simple.. When You watching it, You Can create Your own story for it, it's Your choose, I only give You scenes, characters, death, blood. So have fun with Your imagination xD
    I'll explain You what I see in this amv, (my story in this vid is not that clear).
    + cross is more like symbol in this amv xD

    ** Special Thanks for Alice - You gave me this song, and motivate me to end this. There was moments when I wanted to give up, but You didn't let me. You're mine inspiration and my strength. Thank You Dear!

    Story :
    Demonic woman (Sakurako Kujou - yeah this lady is supernatural ;D ) + Killer (Kiritsugu Emiya).
    Sakurako is just smth like demon, she's killing ppl, haunted them, create war, It's more like bad god. Kiritsugu meet her and start be obssesed by her. She possessed him, force to do kill ppl. One day he's escape from her chains, from this dark ocean of her mind. And decide kill her, (she want him back that's why she want him to find her). And then Kiritsugu see who she really is, what she did, and kill her. Obssesion and feelings like pain, lost, bring he to memories to his own hell. When he's escape from there, stay at her grave like a last goodbye.
    (Some scenes I did for lyrics) XD

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