Video Information


  • Member: CrackTheSky
  • Title: Cross My Heart
  • Premiered: 2018-09-12
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Walk the Moon One Foot
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Katanagatari is overrated.

    I decided to watch it based off of UnluckyArtist's great video Yin-Yang Destiny, but I found myself bored to tears through most of it. The problem is that it's twelve 50+ minute episodes of mostly walking and talking, and very little of anything that's actually, well, interesting. It sucks too because it has a pretty fantastic premise, but it's just executed in such a dull, agonizingly mundane way that it failed to capture me at all. I liked parts of it, but those parts were few and far between and it's not an anime I would recommend to most people, despite the fact that it's rated pretty highly on MAL.

    I never had much of an inclination to make a video using it, either. Even though I do really like the animation style, the fact that the anime failed to really grab me tempered my desire to work with the source, until I heard "One Foot" by Walk The Moon -- it was one of those sit-up-in-your-seat moments where I could see the video forming in my head as I listened to the song and parsed the lyrics. I sat on the idea for months until NDK 2018's deadline approached, then threw the video together in about a week (following another week of cutting clips).

    Frankly, I'm shocked that this video hadn't been made prior to me doing it -- it seems like such an obvious combination, but if anyone got to do it, I'm glad I was the first one to put these two sources together. I encountered very little difficulty in editing this -- everything fell into place very smoothly and there was very little in the way of agonizing over which scenes should go where. I love it when this happens.

    If I'm going to be perfectly honest, this is one of my favorite videos that I've ever made. Not only do I feel like I made exactly what I wanted to make when I set out, I also fell more in love with the two main characters from the show than I ever did when I was actually watching it. This is probably the first time this has ever happened, and it was a really invigorating experience. Although I still wouldn't willingly sit through Katanagatari again, after having made this video I became more emotionally engaged with Togame and Shichika's relationship than I tend to be with most anime I edit with.

    I do really hope you like this. It didn't make it in to NDK's contest (it did make it into their Overflow showing, though), but that doesn't change my fondness for the video in the least. Hopefully you'll get something out of it too!

    Technical notes
    Made entirely in Sony Vegas 8, over the course of a week. Probably about 15-20 hours of editing time. Props to my wife who had to sit and entertain herself through two weeks of both prep time and editing time as I put this together...she's a champ.

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