Video Information


  • Member: CrackTheSky
  • Title: Live It Up Live It Up
  • Premiered: 2020-03-29
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Smallpools Dreaming
  • Anime:
  • Comments: So how's your quarantine going? I've been busy -- this is the first of three videos I'll be releasing using Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions as the source. The next two videos will use the second season and the movie, respectively, while this one uses the first season.

    It's quite difficult to overstate how much and how quickly I fell in love with this series when I watched it late last year -- it's become one of my all-time favorites, an anime I absolutely adore from the depths of my soul. Usually when I make AMVs, I do it more out of a feeling that a specific song/anime pairing will work particularly well, or because I want to try out some concept or editing style. The anime chosen in those situations is usually secondary -- and while I feel some of my best work has been done with anime I was more ambivalent about, I rarely get so excited about an anime that I have to express my love for it in AMV form. In fact, I think the last time this actually happened was probably when I did a similar three-video run using Kimagure Orange Road...five years ago.

    All this is to say that this video, along with the other two I will be releasing shortly, are videos that are incredibly close to me, videos that I poured a bit of myself into while making them, and I hope you get as much enjoyment out of watching them as I did in creating them.

    As for this video itself, I started this project back in October 2019. After spending 2-3 hours or so working on it, I felt like it wasn't going in the direction I wanted it to go so I shelved it -- for five months. When COVID-19 became a thing and I found myself with every excuse to stay in my apartment for prolonged periods of time, and all my other external commitments were more or less put on hold, I found that I didn't really have an excuse anymore to keep putting this off, so I opened up Vegas to take another look at it and found that what I had put on the timeline months ago actually seemed to be working just fine -- excellently, even -- and went all-in on finishing it up. Within a few days it was complete.

    I really wanted to just show off all the elements of the first season of Chunibyo that made me fall in love with it -- the lightheartedness, the over-the-top dazzling fight scenes, the cuteness, the emotion. It's kind of a tall order to cram all that into a single video but I'm thoroughly pleased with the outcome. And yeah, I think most Chunibyo videos kind of go this route in their style, so don't be too surprised if it comes across as a little familiar; I don't really mind though, this is pretty much exactly what I wanted to make and it's a very, very special video to me.

    Anyway -- if you read all that, thank you, and enjoy!

    Technical notes
    Edited in Vegas Pro 15. Time spent was probably...oh, I don't know, let's say 15 hours or so.

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