Video Information


  • Member: CrackTheSky
  • Title: The Dust Shall Bear Witness
  • Premiered: 2021-03-13
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Mazzy Star Into Dust
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Lately, I've been reading about the Holocaust. Among the literature to cross my path was The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, a book that I never had to read in middle school or high school like so many of my peers; I just finished reading it for the first time at the age of 32. It sits among the most powerful, poignant things I've ever read, and it got under my skin in a way that few books ever have. It's not just that book, though -- although like everyone, I learned about the Holocaust in school growing up, I never fully internalized the magnitude of it. After more intentionally studying it now, I don't think I've come much closer to doing so -- it was a crime designed that way, to be so numbingly huge in scale that it defies any human's ability to fully comprehend its monstrosity.

    I have to be careful here, because this video is not "about" the Holocaust at all -- I really don't want to mislead anyone into thinking it speaks about that event specifically. At the same time, I can't ignore that the things I've been reading and ruminating over and trying to internalize heavily feature in this video's creation. Reading about Anne Frank, about Elie Wiesel, about Emmanuel Ringelblum and Elli Friedmann and the millions of nameless, faceless people who were victims in the Holocaust, and trying to make sense of the hatred and cruelty and evil that created it and perpetuated it has left a gaping hole in my heart that I've been trying to cope with these last couple months. This video is an outworking of these feelings and contemplations, and as such is very dark, desolate, and hopeless. None of the imagery or pacing in this video is a mistake, and it's meant to suffocate, to repulse, and to wear the viewer down.

    This is one of my more (most?) personal videos, it contains a lot of symbolism and meaning that I don't necessarily want or feel the need to share. I don't know if anyone will take pleasure in this video or see it in the same light that I do, but that's ok. Usually here's where I would tell you "I hope you enjoy!" but I don't know that it would be sincere in this case. But thank you for watching, anyhow.

    Technical notes:
    Edited in Magix Vegas Pro 15. Total time spent editing was probably around 10 hours.

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