Video Information


  • Member: Katranat
  • Title: Summer 2013
  • Premiered: 2021-08-26
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Lana Del Rey Summertime Sadness
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Comments - 05/04/2023

    It's possibly quite obvious, but I mostly make AMV's first and foremost for myself. I enjoy the process of putting them together and quite often I have a very strong desire to see the result. If other people also enjoy what I create, well that's just a bonus.
    "Summer 2013" is probably the ultimate example of that - I made it for myself as a way to retroactively engage with some of the things I missed out on during the year 2013. To date, 2013 was one of the worst years of my life, and a lot of ordinary life/social things passed me by which still to this day I am discovering for the first time (for example, like popular songs which were released in 2013 which I'd never heard before).
    Lana Del Ray's "Summertime Sadness" was a song from 2013 which I really enjoy and I had the idea to make a sort of montage tribute to "the year I lost" using anime which were also released in 2013. I honed in on anime which were released specifically in Summer as a nod towards the song.
    I initially started making this over a full year before I finished it. I got maybe a quarter of the way through before I thought it was stupid and dropped it for a while. It wasn't until I watched a particular AMV of Vivafringe's that I was inspired to go back and finish this.
    The video itself is fairy benign. I simply found clips that I feel best suited the song, so on the surface it's a fairly typical Summer/Nostalgia/Vibe AMV.

    Quite honestly I probably never should have released this. I naively thought "what's the harm? No one is going to know anything about this unless you tell them so it's just going to be an unremarkable AMV that no one else will think twice about." Well, despite this, or quite possibly because of this, there was harm. In 2022 the video was picked up by an AMV contest where it was included with hundreds of other AMV's that were supposedly played en masse to con goers over a weekend. I am very uncomfortable that this happened, although I'm aware it's on me for making the video available online in the first place. Obviously the video is on YouTube and on this site, where people can watch it, but at least with these places I have a modicum of control. Additionally I feel like engaging with an AMV online that you are watching because you choose to is very different then perhaps watching something that someone is choosing to play for you as background noise at a con. That's not really how I want the way I deal with trauma shown to the world.
    Anyway, whatever. I'm over it.

    Made using Kdenlive on a home brew PC running Ubuntu

    Original comments:

    This video is specifically about Summer 2013

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