Video Information


  • Member: CrackTheSky
  • Title: Just a Phase
  • Premiered: 2022-04-06
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Samiam Ordinary Life
  • Anime:
  • Comments: I never intended to make another FLCL AMV. In the first decade of my life as an editor, I made something like five or six FLCL AMVs, and over time I've probably seen more AMVs that use it than any other source, barring Evangelion. And while once upon a time FLCL videos totally enthralled me and I thought it was an anime that, despite having only six episodes, had a wealth of potential and was always being used in surprisingly creative ways in AMVs, it's been a while since I've felt that way...I haven't been excited to see this source used in an AMV in a long time.

    I expect I'm not the only person that feels this way, and I do want to preface this release by acknowledging that, no, there's nothing here that you probably haven't seen before. But FLCL is probably my favorite anime of all time, and when I first heard this song I pretty much immediately decided I wanted to edit with it...coming to FLCL as the most obvious source didn't take long. And you know what? I really love the combination. The song bleeds this really anxious, strained sound that captures the heart of FLCL very well. It also has a very upbeat -- at times euphoric -- quality that gels with FLCL's goofier side. And the song's sarcastic, core lyric that I love so much, "It's just a phase that you're gonna grow out of when you die", is very FLCL to me in a way I can't explain.

    The anime to me has always been about adolescence and coming-of-age -- all the goofy slapstick, the robots, the insane story, to me just illustrate in feverish detail the pangs of growing up. They give all those contradictory, frustrating, exhilarating emotions visual parallels that are more accurate and weirdly intuitive than the more grounded explorations of this part of life tend to feel. I'm not saying that FLCL is just some really out-there allegory loaded with symbolism and metaphors and that all the odd stuff that happens in the anime doesn't actually happen, but to me the anime has always felt very intentional in the way it animates all these things and presents them to the viewer. Naota's growth is the primary purpose of the anime -- everything else is incidental.

    This AMV is meant to be FLCL to its core. There's no story as such, but it explores adolescence in the same way that the anime does. I'm really happy with the result, and, as usual, I hope you enjoy it too :)

    Technical notes:
    Edited in Magix Vegas 15.0, total editing time was around 10-15 hours.

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